We want parents to feel involved with the school. That is why we think it is important to inform parents well. We also want to give parents the opportunity to be actively involved in our school.

Parental involvement
We speak of parent involvement when parents show an interest in school, supervise homework, visit parents' evenings and show respect for the teacher. The staff of the St. Antoniusschool are primarily responsible for education and parents for care, but we can support each other in this. We can give each other extremely valuable tips, as long as it is clear that teachers ultimately decide about education and parents about parenting.

Information evening group 1 to 8
At the beginning of each year we organize an informationmeeting for all groups. In this way you will get an overview as a parent of what your child is going to learn that school year. We also share practical information with you such as our care structure, how to start my child in group 1, school trips, school gardens and other group-specific activities.

Information evening group 8
In November there is a special parent meeting for the parents of group 8 that deals with the procedure to secondary education as established in Amsterdam.

Parental participation
Parental participation is the active participation of parents in school activities. There is a difference between informal and formal parental participation. Informal parent participation includes, for example, going on a school trip or helping with a special activity. An example of formal parental participation is taking a seat in the Advisory Board. Parental participation is an indispensable part of parental involvement.